Your skin care is about more than just Botox® and fillers.

It’s about maintaining your skin and turning back the hands of time.

Meet the 1228 Protocol®

 Our signature offering. Developed by Dr. Joni Ricketts, the 1228 Protocol® helps give you the skin of your youthful dreams.

Your skin is a miracle, rejuvenating itself every 28 days when you’re in your 20’s.

Unfortunately as we age, that rejuvenation cycle slows down, leaving our skin looking drab and dull.

The 1228 Protocol combines specific treatments, spaced approximately 28 days apart, that remind your skin of its youthful cycles and re-trains cell turnover rates. By alternating these treatments, your skin is energized and refreshed each and every month, while you enjoy soothing sessions that leave you glowing from day one.

Learn more about the components of our 1228 Protocol® of gentle chemical peels and advanced microneedling below, or book your first appointment now.

Don’t let the term “chemical peel” scare you: we’re not talking about a snake shedding its skin or Samantha the day of Carrie’s book launch from Sex and the City. Peels have come a long way since then! Our peels can be used the day of a special event for a pre-event glow, in a series of peels for a more progressive approach to rejuvenation OR as a part of the trademarked 1228 Protocol®.

Chemical exfoliation is a safe and effective way to rapidly exfoliate your skin to reveal healthy, glowing skin and encourage new collagen and a smoother, brighter complexion.

Our skin naturally exfoliates every 30 days until our 30s when it slows down. This is the reason that there is a day in our 30s when we wake up and notice our skin looks dull, blotchy, and our lines are starting to show. This is an indicator to start chemical exfoliation to get you back on that monthly schedule. Monthly chemical peels will literally melt the years away.

Our Preferred Peel

We exclusively use Physician’s Care Alliance (PCA) brand peels, specifically the Sensi-Peel. While other skincare lines may burn or blister the skin, PCA skin peels use natural ingredients like lactic acid and citric acid, coupled with botanicals to help feed, lighten and brighten your complexion with ZERO downtime.

If you are hesitant to try medical aesthetics procedures, our peels are a great place to start. Get ready for less brown spots, refined pores, tighter, brighter and firmer skin! Regular treatments will transform your skin back to the more youthful version of YOU.

Microneedling stimulates the production of both collagen and elastin, resulting in firmer skin.

Collagen is a protein which is necessary for keeping skin, bones, and muscles healthy. Without ample supply, skin becomes dry, wrinkly, and tired looking.

Elastin is another protein which is a pliable connective tissue makes up one of the outermost layers of the skin called the dermis. Elastin allows the skin to “snap back into place” after the contracting and stretching which occur on a day-to-day basis.

A microneedling treatment is performed with an electric utensil with a disposable tip containing small needles which move up and down to various depths. Different depths are used on different areas of the face to achieve optimal results. We apply topical numbing cream to assure clients have the best experience, plus there’s minimal downtime for recovery - you can even do this on your lunch break.

Because Melanie is a Physician Assistant, we can provide microneedling with platelet rich fibrin (PRF) too!

Not all needling devices are created equal.

We use the SkinPen®, a true state-of-the-art, anti-aging device that repairs and improves sun damage, scars, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation. Because it has 12 surgical grade microneedles that simultaneously develop tiny microchannels in the skin, SkinPen increases collagen and skin cell turnover. The overall result is an appearance of more youthful skin, plus a decrease in fine lines and acne scarring.

SkinPen® differs from generic microneedling because its patented needle technology does not drag the skin - which can be why certain micro-needling procedures are associated with a longer recovery. Basic micro-needling is a fantastic procedure but usually only treats one depth of the layers of the skin. At Di Valore, we utilize needles that penetrate three layers of skin, providing even better results.

Commit to natural skin rejuvenation.

The 1228 Protocol® offered by Di Valore Medical Wellness.