Melt away inches, painlessly and permanently with Ultimate Contour®

Body contouring treatments are the best way to remove the stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise.

Non-surgical, pain-free, and fast…That’s Ultimate Contour.

What is Ultimate Contour®?

Ultimate Contour® is a powerful fat-blasting service that provides long-lasting and natural results.

Patients can lose up to one inch on their first visit – and more significant reductions with additional treatments.

  • Treatments typically last between 10 to 40 minutes.

  • A safe, non-invasive, pain-free, and effective experience that is suitable for anyone wanting to look better.

  • Comprehensive body contouring options for fat, cellulite, and skin tightening, customized to each patient.

Is Ultimate Contour® right for me?

Body sculpting treatments are the go-to choice for anyone who has stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. Because these treatments are not a weight loss solution, eligible clients are those at or very near their ideal body weight who already have a healthy routine in place.

If this sounds like you, you could benefit from body sculpting with Ultimate Contour®. To find out, schedule a consultation with Melanie. During your consultation, we discuss your body shaping goals and present you with the best treatment options to meet them.

FAQs about Ultimate Contour®

  • Most patients see visible results after just one treatment, depending on the area treated. Each patient is different, and optimal results may require 4-6 treatments.

    At Di Valore, we create a customized treatment plan specific to you, so book a consultation to learn more!

  • Results with Ultimate Contour are immediate, with up to an inch or more reduction after just one single treatment.

  • There’s no downtime with Ultimate Contour, and with each treatment taking approximately 40 minutes, you can easily fit this in to your busy schedule.