Communication is Key

Over the past decade (plus) in healthcare, I have learned that sometimes it does not matter how much time you spend with the patient, they only remember certain things….they remember what’s important to them. That’s why it’s so important in our practice to educate the patient, so that they understand what they are having done, why they are having it done, and how it works.

A Sensitive Subject

No one likes to talk about budgeting and money. It’s an uncomfortable topic, that can make you feel judged or self-conscious, and we get that. No matter what you have been told, every budget has a place within the skin care world. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars in order to have beautiful skin that you can feel confident about! Come chat with us and we will discuss what our options are. We’ll discuss your short and long-term goals and figure out what works best for you, your schedule and your budget.

What you achieve through our clinic is not only about what we think your skin needs, but what you want your skin to achieve and how we can get there together.

For example, if your budget includes Botox now and dermal fillers later, then we have an idea of how to budget accordingly and develop your long-term treatment plan. Just let us know.

Relationships Matter to Us

Our goal is to create relationships with our patients.

We’re not Drive-By Botox Shots. We want you to have the full advantage of all Melanie’s years of medical training at your disposal.

This is not a clinic where you come once and we never see you again. We want you to come back every month, every 6 months, or every year and always feel like family.

Having a bad day and need to escape reality? Just come in and treat yourself to a gentle chemical peel, and relax in our comfy chair for an hour! The mental break is just as important as the skin care, and mental health is a big focus of our practice. Sometimes you just need a quiet room and a silent cell phone to reset your mind. Trust me, I’ve been there.

The goal of our practice is to be a friend you can talk to, that you can be honest with, and to be relatable.

In medicine, unfortunately that has not always been the case. Patients often feel like they can’t express what they want to say or do what they want to do. Healthcare is about you because it is your body and the results that you want are our primary goal.

If at any point you feel that you need to make a change to what you are doing - whether it is your home maintenance program or switch to a different treatment plan altogether - our goal is to make sure that your voice feels heard.

One More Thing…

This is not a practice that is based on purely societal norms of how you "should" look.

At Di Valore, you can be honest about how you feel as well as how you want to look. We want to partner with you to help you feel confident, comfortable, and valuable in your own skin.

It all comes back to the basis of our name, Di Valore / WORTH, and finding your worth in your skin.

If you don’t believe in yourself then who will?


My Moment of Truth


My First Blog Post