My First Blog Post

No, this title is not just what the template suggested.

When Beth, the amazing creator of this website, asked me to do blog postings my first response was to laugh.

My second response was to think ‘what in the world and I am going to talk about?’

Then I thought:

I have not stopped talking since probably age 2 so this should be easy. If you know me you know what I’m talking about (pun intended).

But what in the world does anyone care to read about?

I’m still not really sure, but I have a lot to say, and I would love to hear from you, dear reader!

As I have in my life, I’m going to take a few chances on this blog. You may hear about anything from my adoption journey to the latest medical breakthroughs to why we love microneedling…but I promise it will all be fun, informative, and genuinely Melanie. Let me know what you think by sending me an email.

(We’ll do our best to keep things easy to find, too)

And with that, I am going to dive right in to my first ever post!

Becoming a mother has been the most incredible, exhausting, frustrating (the list goes on and on), experience of my life. I love those three sweet babies more than anything.

However, being a mom to one, then two, then three kiddos has had an unexpected result: I am now the bottom of the totem pole. Once everyone else was taken care of, including my precious husband Callen, then I would take care of myself (if there was any time or energy left).

It’s not because that is how our household was set up…by anyone other than myself. However, I chose (and felt like my job as a mom was) to take care of:

  1. the kids

  2. my husband

  3. myself

Unfortunately with experience I learned that this is the worst possible scenario.

In order to take care of everyone else you have to take care of yourself FIRST, not LAST.

If you want to fill everyone else’s cup, you better make sure yours is full.

On my ‘to do’ list for the past decade has been taking care of myself and my own skin. Thankfully, genetics has worked in my favor (thank you, mom and dad!), but I kept meaning to set up an consultation and/or look into buying decent skin care products, the day just never came.

I have always worn sunscreen (on my face, the rest is hit-or-miss), and that’s about it. I never invested in my skin the way I originally intended to do…Oops! I always found another excuse or another reason to postpone making the investment in my own skin.

The road to aging skin is paved with good intentions, am I right?

Over time, our skin does not age as gracefully as we might like for it to. In our 20s, the skin cell turnover cycle is around 28 days. It’s every 3-5 days as an infant…Soft as a baby’s butt, for sure.

But each decade we get older, that skin cycle gets longer and longer.

As the skin cycle prolongs, our skin becomes more weathered and looks older (because it actually is!) So the real question is how to financially afford to reverse that cycle with very little “spare” time, limited amount of money and a limited amount of resources. Costly surgical facelift? Constant painful laser treatments?

Or do you want something more natural and gentle?

This is where the 1228 Protocol comes into play.

I credit all of this, in so many ways, to Joni Collins, PA-C. She is not the inventor and patent holder for the 1228 Protocol, she is a dear friend and a phenomenal PA with an incredible amount of knowledge. Joni has been my saving grace, teaching me so much since the day I met her.

The 1228 protocol is time-consuming, it is financially consuming…however: it does allow for you to trick your skin into thinking that you are in your 20s again.

This Protocol allows for your skin to recycle/regenerate and produce new collagen like it did in your 20s.

It’s like having a restart button. After 6-12 months of the protocol, you look amazing, your body is ‘retrained’, and you can maintain your skin the way you meant to all those years ago!

From this point, we can look at that preventative Botox, those necessary dermal fillers, and the amazing skin care products that help you maintain your skin after finishing the Protocol.

It’s a Commitment

I understand not everyone has the time, resources, or energy to participate in the Protocol.

It does mean that you have to come into the office every 28 to 32 days for at least 6-12 months (30-60 minutes per visit).

The 12 month protocol is recommended for people over the age of 40 or with a history of significant acne scarring. The 6-month treatment cycle is typically recommended for people under age 40.

The protocol consists of 1 treatment every month in order to establish the skin cell cycle turnover. After you complete the protocol we can establish a skin care regimen which includes daily skin care, sunscreen, Botox, dermal fillers and/or other options in order to achieve the look that you want to achieve.

The goal of our practice is to make you feel confident about yourself. Coming from someone that learned this lesson the hard way, I want to educate not only mothers but all of our patients:

You are worth the investment

You are worth the time

You are worth it to yourself to make yourself a priority.

At our office it is more than just skin care, it’s about reframing your priority list and putting yourself at the top.

Just remember the age old quote about filling your cup first, and invest in your own wellbeing.


Ready to put your self care first? Click the button to book a visit with us.


Communication is Key